Stop wasting too much time on data annotation! This might be a solution you're looking for.

Photo by Joshua Hoehne / Unsplash
Photo by Joshua Hoehne / Unsplash

Data annotation is the most manual intensive, time taking and resource heavy task in the computer vision AI development. This causes delay, bring error and also contribute heavily on project costing. Making it most efficient component of data pipeline bring huge ROI. There are some popular method which can solve this problem.

Active learning as a process is gaining traction in computer vision community as it claim to save lots of time and effort in data annotation.  Active learning allows learning algorithms to engage with users to categorize data with desired outcomes.

The abundance of unlabeled data is a major issue in machine learning since it is becoming increasingly affordable to collect and store data. Data scientists are now faced with much more information than they can ever process. Active learning can help with it.

Table of Contents

  1. Active Learning: What is it?
  2. Types of Active Learning
  3. How Active Learning is Effective in Reducing the Time During Data Annotation?
  4. Conclusion

Active learning: What is it?

A form of machine learning known as "active learning" allows learning algorithms to engage with users to categorize data with desired outcomes. The algorithm actively chooses the subset of instances from the unlabeled data that will be labeled next in active learning. The basic idea behind active learner algorithms is that if an ML algorithm were given free rein to select the data it wishes to learn from, it could be able to achieve a greater degree of accuracy while utilizing fewer training labels.

Source: Towards data science
Source: Towards data science

As a result, during the training phase, active learners are welcome to ask questions in an interactive manner. These requests are typically sent as unlabeled data instances, and a human annotator is asked to label the instance. As one of the most effective examples of success in the Human-in-the-loop paradigm, active learning is now included in that paradigm.

Types of Active Learning

There are three categories of Active Learning such as:

  • Active Pool-Based Learning
  • Active Stream-based learning
  • Querying

Active Pool-Based Learning

The most well-liked method is one that is frequently applied when working on projects involving active learning.

The concept is that the model is primarily trained on a labeled subset of a huge pool of unlabeled data. Following the removal of these training samples from the pool, the remaining pool is repeatedly searched for the most useful information.

Every time data is retrieved and labeled, it is taken out of the pool and used to train the model. As the model queries data to better understand the distribution and structure of the data, the pool slowly runs out. This method, however, uses a lot of RAM.

Active Stream-Based Learning

The method involves going through the datasets one sample at a time. It is established if a sample has to be inquired for its label each time it is submitted to the model.

The effectiveness over time is frequently below that of the pool-based strategy, however, as the samples that can be accessed may not be ideal, delivering the most data for the active learner. This is because not all the data is available.


Choosing the most informative/useful data samples for the model to train on is essential for establishing an effective Active Learning model. Queries are used to "choose" the data that will help a system train the most effectively. The querying approach affects how well an Active Learning model performs.

Source: DeepAI
Source: DeepAI

There are numerous methods for identifying the data samples that are the most informative, and while in practice they can vary from sample to sample, there is a handful that can be applied to a wide range of use cases.

How Active Learning is effective in reducing the time during data annotation?

The Active Learning methodology's principles show that this strategy minimizes the overall quantity of data required for a model to function successfully.

This indicates that because only a portion of the information is labeled, the time and expense associated with the data labeling process are greatly reduced.

However, the responsibilities of model training and data annotation are frequently carried out independently and by various organizations.

Due to the secrecy and confidentiality of data and procedures, it is therefore a difficulty that is frequently difficult to overcome when the two processes intersect.

When annotating data utilizing Human in the Loop methods, active learning is frequently used in conjunction with online or progressive learning.

The retrieval of the most helpful data, iterative learning, improving model performance while annotation proceeds, and enabling a machine assistant to assist people are all tasks that are carried out by active learning.

The use of active learning for video annotation would be a real-world illustration of this. In this activity, frames are closely related to one another and there are several frames every second (24–30, on average).

As a result, annotating every frame would be exceedingly time- and money-consuming. In order to improve performance with a much smaller number of annotated frames, it is, therefore, more appropriate to choose the frames in which the model is the most unclear and identify these frames.


If you are working on data-oriented projects that require labeling enormous volumes of data or an organization that manages a continuous input of data that needs to be integrated into your AI system, labeling the appropriate portion of this data for it to be provided to the model would definitely cater to many of your demands, substantially lowering the time and expense needed to achieve a well-performing model.

Utilizing the most recent findings in AI support, Labellerr uses active learning and several other similar strategies to maintain the highest possible speed and quality of our labels. We are pursuing the junction of progressive learning as well as active learning with its applications for high-quality data annotation as a result of our focus on increasing labeling efficiency with AI support.

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