Precise Segmentation using Labellerr's Transparency Adjustment

Navigating through complex datasets for annotation can often be challenging, especially when dealing with overlapped objects.

Labellerr understands the importance of clarity and precision in the annotation process. That's why we're thrilled to introduce our latest enhancement: Transparency Adjustment.

This innovative feature empowers users to fine-tune the transparency of overlapped objects while annotating a file.

With Transparency Adjustment, you can now enjoy unparalleled clarity, ensuring every object is distinctly visible and eliminating any confusion caused by overlap.

Why it's Needed:

In annotation tasks, clarity is essential for accurate labeling of objects. However, overlapping objects can often lead to unclear visibility, leading to errors and inefficiencies.

Transparency adjustment feature addresses this challenge by providing users with the ability to adjust transparency levels, thereby enhancing visibility and improving annotation accuracy.

This feature is essential for streamlining annotation workflows and ensuring optimal results.

Advantages of  Using Transparency Adjustment

Enhanced Clarity: Adjusting the transparency of overlapped objects provides users with clearer visibility, ensuring each object is distinctly visible during annotation tasks.

Improved Precision: By eliminating confusion caused by overlap, users can focus more effectively on specific objects, leading to more precise annotations and reducing the likelihood of errors.

Increased Confidence: With enhanced visibility, users can annotate with confidence, knowing they can accurately identify and label objects even in complex datasets.

Customizable Viewing Experience: Users have the flexibility to adjust transparency levels according to their preferences, ensuring a personalized annotation experience according to their needs.

How do I adjust transparency in Labellerr?

  1. Once you've uploaded your data for annotation, consider the scenario where overlapping objects need to be annotated, as illustrated in this example. Here, we aim to annotate all cargo ships, the main boat, and the entire water body.

As we can see, the water body is very dark, and we want to reduce its transparency as we cannot see other cargo ships properly as they are overlapping.

2. To reduce the transparency of the water,  Go to settings and click on Update annotation questions. Select the for the water object and adjust the transparency settings accordingly.

3. Increase the transparency of the water body annotation by increasing the transparency percentage.

4. Now click on save changes and select in current project guidelines.

For a more hands-on tutorial, you can watch the following video on YouTube:


Labellerr's Transparency Adjustment feature marks a significant advancement in annotation technology, addressing the challenges posed by overlapped objects with a simple yet powerful solution.

By providing users with enhanced clarity and precision during annotation tasks, this feature streamlines workflows, boosts efficiency, and instills confidence in the annotation process.

With the ability to customize transparency levels, users can enhance their viewing experience to suit their preferences, ensuring optimal results with every annotation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the Transparency Adjustment feature in Labellerr?

The Transparency Adjustment feature in Labellerr allows users to adjust the transparency of overlapped objects while annotating a file. This feature enhances clarity and visibility during the annotation process.

Q2. How does Transparency Adjustment benefit annotation tasks?

Transparency Adjustment enhances annotation tasks by providing users with clearer visibility of objects, reducing confusion caused by overlap. This leads to more precise annotations and improved overall accuracy.